
Hello, we are Paul, Travis, and Jennifer Gonzales

We created the PT&J Foundation for families much like ours. Our story begins with our son Paul-Travis in a medically induced coma at 2 months old in efforts of calming his uncontrollable seizures. From ambulance rides, our son coding, 11 days in a medically induced coma, doctors telling us that he might not survive, numerous admissions to various hospitals, unbelievable stress, heartache, and the griping of faith has brought us the silver lining of compassion and first hand knowledge of families with similar stories to ours. Our mission is to provide resources and support to families finding themselves in the similar despair we have experienced, and at times still do experience, with having a child with complex disabilities.

We thrive to create a safe community for all families to join for support and education. We are not directly affiliated with any of the resources you might find on our website, but we hope that what is provided can assist with your own journey. Knowledge is a beautiful tool and we hope to share all we know with those in need. Please join us on our journey to provide assistance and hope to all.


About Paul-Travis

Paul-Travis is currently 4 years old, our family calls him Travis. He loves water and anything to do with the ocean. Travis has not always had it easy but as parents we thrive to provide him with various opportunities and experiences. Travis is diagnosed with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and CVI (cortical vision impairment). He has a dog named Moe and they go on various adventures together. He gets medical treatment at Phoenix Children’s Hospital (PCH) and we are beyond thankful for their care, especially Dr.WIlfong. Every year in December we attend PCH- Ignite Hope Walk, it has become a family tradition and would love to see you there!

Jennifer Gonzales

About Jennifer

Jennifer has worked as a social worker for the past 11 years in various child welfare and behavioral health positions. Her knowledge of resources across Maricopa and Pima county has assisted in the advocating efforts needed for her son. However, nothing could have prepared her for the journey taken with her son’s needs. She is extremely appreciative of the experience gained and wishes to share all of her resources so other families do not have to scavenge for assistance in already troubling times.

About Paul-James

Paul is a man of various trades and skills from working on cars to assisting those in need. In addition, he has many years of experience working as a site supervisor for at risk teens. Paul has learned the sacrifices of providing for his family and being an asset for his son. He is extremely hands on with Paul-Travis and willing to jump into action whenever needed for his family. The Gonzales family could not be them without him. He is a great advocate and often is  creating new ways to get Paul-Travis around in new creations he constructs.
